

The Best Life Solution Company
Coway is a Korean company founded in 1987. We have researched and developed world-class air and water purifiers, living appliances and mattresses.
Create a Better Life for Everyone
Understanding the various dynamics of our consumer lifestyle and providing innovative and reliable products with quality is our mission to go forward.

The Best Life Solution Company

Our Worthy


Brand power of
Water purifier

No. 1

in korea

Based on 2022 by NBCI for
24 consecutive years

3.0 Billion USD

(* 4.47 Billion AUD)
Annual Sales
2022 Financial Report

40+ Countries

Global Operations
2022 As of 2022


R&D resoures
As of 2022

223,942 kWh

Renewable Energy
Power generated in 2021


Air Purifier Sales
Sold globally as of 2022

6,499 Persons

2022 As of 2022


Intellectual Property
2022 basis including utility models, patents, trademarkes, and design

23,461 tons

Waste Recycle
Including reuse in 2021

Key Certifications

Company History

2021 ~
The Best Life Solution Company
⦁ ESG Committee founded for better tomorrow
⦁ Established Coway Europe and Coway Japan
⦁ Operates business in 60+ countries
2015 ~ 2020
From environmental home-care to
total life-care
⦁ Merged with Netmarble, leader in IT and Games
⦁ Expanded product line-up and developed IoCare app
2010 ~ 2014
From environmental-care to total life-care
⦁ Expanded to kitchenware and cosmetics
⦁ Became leader in air and water purifier in Malaysia
2005 ~ 2009
Enhanced R&D and design competence
⦁ Opened new R&D Centre at Seoul National University
⦁ Expanded to mattress business
1998 ~ 2004
Firm success with rental business in Korea
⦁ Introduced rental business for air and water purifier
⦁ Lowered the barrier on purchasing premium products
1989 ~ 1997
Start of Coway
⦁ Established Coway
⦁ Launched air and water purifier becoming a pioneer

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